Saturday, July 10, 2004

Nietzsche...My Worst Fears Confirmed

I have long been very suspect of secondary sources of Nietzsche because he has been treated so oddly by philosophy, and seems so suited to out of context quotation because of his style, etc...anyway I read Kaufmann's intro to the On the Genealogy of Morals today and he has an interesting quote:

"Nietzsche has an almost pathological weakness for one particular kind of ambiguity, which, to be sure, is not irremediable: he loved words and phrases that mean one thing out of context and almost the opposite in the context he gives them. He loved language as poets do and relished these 'revaluations.'"

this is the thrust of his idea of "art" in the essay i studied last week...the idea of language as a 2-part metaphor and concept as the bounds of metaphor....what he really enjoyed about art seemed to be when metaphor pushed the bounds of the conceptual and widened our perceptive horizon, when art was able to work freely and de-mystify the concept (this is not completely different from Heidegger's idea of art opening up a space where Being can emerge...i think, but trying to understand Heidegger makes me sick to my stomach!)...I am becoming more and more of the opinion that a real understanding of Nietzsche can only be achieved by an intense and focused study of his work...allowing it to teach you and not bringing in pre-conceived Nietzsche to guide the reading...this would ultimately bound conceptually what Nietzsche hoped would be aesthetically broadening.


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