Monday, November 22, 2004

"Fear and Trembling"

Sometimes when we are called to drown, to go under, in that terrifying breathless state we see for one instant that which we ought not see. Was it "God" who invented "lovingness?" I think the urge to God and the urge to "Love" (conceptually) are similar, and perhaps indistinct. In the same manner, yet on the other hand, "godliness" and "lovingness" are similar, perhaps indistinct dynamics, out of which is born "God" and "Love." Born of the compulsion to ask things in their chaotic and dizzying state to harmonize, the first step toward trying to "know." Godliness and lovingness both live in the spaces between phenomenal experience (the spaces which do not exist in the world "in-itself"). God and Love are the names we give to the bridges we construct across these "spaces" of phenomenal existence. I am frightened of both godliness and lovingness, I am so truly terrified. I do not want bridges, I just want to fall. I do not want to know, I want to have faith that a seemless and powerful current will be there to catch me and carry me along. I want to be in and among lovingness, I want to be love becoming! Sometimes when we are called to drown, to go under, in that terrifying breathless state we feel for one instant that which we ought to feel.


Blogger Ryan said...

God and Love are not the only bridges I think. There is a so called via negativa of Buddhism and Schopenhauer--the bridges, that is love and god in your terms, are Maya (illusions, dreams)--the catch is, and I think you get at this, as well as Unamuno down below, is that these bridges are also the source of pain. The bridge, in this view, is involuntary suffering--and suffering itself is the expression of the need for God and Love. It's a vicious circle that I know no way out of other than compassion.

Very well written post, by the way. At first I thought you were quoting Kierkegaard!

3:33 PM  

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