Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Fall

"Nothing is more foreign to our way of thinking than the earth in the middle of the silent universe and having neither the meaning that man gives things, nor the meaninglessness of things as soon as we try to imagine them without a consciousness that reflects them."
G. Bataille

This is the catch of metaphysics. A metaphysics that concerns itself with its questions as objects tends toward either valuation or devaluation of those objects-- hence it is thrown into a dizzying vacillation between meaning and meaninglessness and is never capable of penetrating a constructed surface. What is needed is a metaphysics without parachutes that is capable of going down, a metaphysics of descent-- terrifying and plunging descent.

"Only as an aesthetic phenomenon is existence and the world eternally justified."
F. Nietzsche

Nietzsche is still grasping for justification despite his humble claims of affirmation. It is probable that existence and the world, under the gaze of a conscious eye, will not be justified. Although existence and the world will likely never be justified as an aesthetic phenomenon, it may sing from the lips of a metaphysician of descent through an aesthetic medium.

"Poetry describes nothing that does not slip toward the unknowable...but this poetry is only a way by which a man goes from a world full of meaning to the final dislocation of meanings, of all meaning, which soon proves to be unavoidable."
G. Bataille

But what does it matter? Why should I concern myself with the songs of these new metaphysicians of descent? By posing the question I have already returned to that age-old refrain. I am spun into a desperate sickness. The question is really one of paralysis-- vertical or horizontal paralysis.


Blogger Ryan said...

I'm afraid I don't quite grasp your central metaphor of going down and descent?

Are you asking for a metaphysics of decline or withdrawal? (See Vattimo on both counts if so.)

12:31 PM  
Blogger Lenin said...

Well, I am not sure I mean either decline or withdrawal. I mean a deeper engagement than ever before. I am also trying to avoid a metaphysics that is subsequent to moral valuation, so a word like "decline" is not apt...decline relative to what?

I am probably circling Nietzsche, who was circling something else!

I am also conceding defeat at the outset in my heart. I do not think we will ever get back to the depths that are required to address these issues. Maybe a lesser ego would call for a "dipping metaphysics," but I am still young so I ask that we plunge...if I live to attain wisdom in my years perhaps I will consider "finding God" and that kind of hovering nonsense.

10:39 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

a dipping metaphysics is an interesting idea actually.

i told a teacher that i could very well see myself converting to christianity (not buddhism, it's not my culture) at some point and becoming a raving looney. i said this because she was saying how zizek had become a catholic as if it was a bad thing (and i dont even think he really has) and i was kind of offended by that. only offended because i think religious conversion is one suitable response among many to make to these absurd situations we call life.

7:07 AM  

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