Saturday, September 25, 2004

Two Quotes

These are both from a book by Michele Le Doeuff entitled Hipparchia's Choice: An Essay Concerning Women, Philosophy, Etc. The first speaks well to my current frustration with philosophy in general with its abstractions and cozy little systems. I read philosophy now like poorly written fiction since I am certain most of it has little to nothing to say about the real world that the rest of us have the misfortune of living in. The second I just enjoyed and it needs no explanation.

"We might as well acknowledge the gap between radical freedom of thought, which philosophy promises, and the narrower freedom of which "I" am (anyone is) capable."

"It is an illusion to think that one can be an absolutely free spirit, soaring high above convention and paying no attention to the 'rest of humanity,' a rest who feel uneasy when little girls are not dressed in pink slippers and little boys in blue. Like everyone else I need to recognize that the absurd strength of convention is within me."


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