Friday, October 29, 2004

Nietzsche and Marriage

I am quite exhausted today so I am going to post a couple aphorisms by Nietzsche from Human, All Too Human.
"Marriage as a long conversation. When entering marriage one should ask the question: do you think you will be able to have good conversation with this woman right into old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory, but most of the time interaction is spent in conversation."
"Free spirits and marriage. Will free spirits live with women? In general, I believe that, as the true-thinking, truth-speaking men of the present, they must, like the prophetic birds of ancient times, prefer to fly alone."
In some cases I agree with these, in others I disagree. They are both sexist in varying degrees...anyway, i don't feel like commenting on them.


Blogger Ryan said...

cioran on commentary: When reading criticism I am only interested in the quotations.

12:05 PM  

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